Implementation of the Hostile Environment involves at operational level many different agencies and entities, with the Home Office and the Immigration Tribunal, closely interlinked as the two lead ones.
This section of the website gives information about these agencies, with where relevant, with reference to how they work to implement, and/or protect from effective challenge, the Hostile Environment, at practical level: regarding this real-life context information is provided in the relevant pages concerning refusals and appeal and deportation. ALL THE PAGES BELOW WILL BE LIVE BY 10TH JANUARY 2020.
List of principle agencies involved in implementing the Hostile Environment:
The UK Visa Immigration Service ‘UKVI’
UK agencies ‘Border Force’ and the Home Office ‘Immigration enforcement’ section
* The Tribunal, closely at Hostile Environment de-facto operational implementation level connected with the Home Office and more specifically the UKVI and ultimately with the deportation agencies, has a separate, main dedicated section on this information resource.
NOTE: Please also visit Liberty’s guide to the Hostile Environment as it covers many of the tertiary areas where Hostile Environment supportive activity is insidiously active, from schools and banks to businesses: