An asylum check-in is a requirement for those who have applied for asylum in the UK, and whom the Home office/UKVI have refused. Those whose asylum applications have been refused are required in the granting of ‘bail’ (a legal system component) notice (one of the documents the Home Office provides to you in the same documents set you receive when you are refused asylum).
This notice specifies that you will be required to go to a police station on a given date, to register with the immigration authorities. Subsequently you will be required to return on a regular basis (every two weeks, monthly, etc.) to the same police station – police stations across the country have been absorbed into the Hostile Environment operational delivery multi-agency, have been used/co-opted – to sign in.
Police stations used as asylum check-in posts, commonly use Custody Suites for this Hostile Environment activity, with all the criminalising associations custody suites have – clearly this is not accidental, but a detail directed from central/Whitehall, Hostile Environment origins.
Signing in involves sometimes being asked questions by the IE (Immigration Enforcement) officer you speak with. These officers will place a date stamp on the piece of paper used to record your sign-ins: the later date stamp gives when you have to return.
The asylum check-in component of the Hostile Environment is particularly controversial, and indeed toxic in political and human rights abusive terms, as the check-in mechanism involves major compromising and degradation of the names of UK police constabularies and the Immigration Tribunal.
How this takes place in regard to both the latter, is detailed in the two sections below, but it should be noted here that the term ‘toxic’ in describing the asylum check-in Hostile Environment component refers to very negative race relations and LGBT community relations impacts, for both the police constabularies and Tribunal.
Police constabularies that under Home Office/Whitehall direction are constrained to provide police station facilities for asylum check-ins:
- As with the imposition of the notion/mechanism of ‘bail’ – ‘bail’ is directly associated with those who have undertaken, or been suspected of undertaking a crime: BEING REFUSED BUT GRANTED THE RIGHT OF APPEAL, an asylum (or indeed other forms of visa or settlement status in the UK) application NEVER makes you a criminal or person accused of perceived criminal activity. There are direct parallels with the ‘bail’ character-staining, criminalising Hostile Environment mechanism, and that of placing unjustifiable, criminalising refusal ‘stamps/signals’ by UKVI overseas sections (such as UKVI New Delhi) in the passports of genuine visa applicants who are overseas nationals, and the fact that commonly asylum check-ins are held in police station ‘Custody Suites.’
Custody suites are exclusively associated with arrested individuals guilty or suspected of undertaking criminal activity. This is the second major Hostile Environment implementation policy of, in this case using police constabulary facilities, criminalising ALL asylum applicants whose applications for asylum, have been refused by Home Office caseworkers.
- Asylum check-ins, in police stations are commonly used as the settings in which genuine asylum seekers that have had their applications refused, but have exercised their right to appeal against the decision, are de-facto tricked & trapped by IE (Immigration Enforcement) and the Tribunal, in terms of being, unlooked for, detained, and then taken away to one of the UK’s detention centres, from where they can be easily deported.
The immigration Tribunal:
- There is clear evidence from victims of the practice, of some asylum seekers whose applications have been rejected, but are still legally (NOT caught out ‘overstayers’) in the UK through following the appeal processes they are entitled to [appealing against an appeal dedcision], that they go for what they believe will be a routine asylum check-in and are, completely unlooked for detained and then taken from the police station to a detention/deportation (‘IRC’: Immigration Removal Centre) centre.
- In these cases, the Tribunal does NOT provide the asylum seeker with the Tribunal decision on the latest stage of his/her appeal (OR related Decision & Reasons document), but only informs the UKVI and IE (and by extension, the latter’s operational level Hostile Environment implementing associate partner, the given section of the police constabulary that works at direct operational level with IE and its given ‘ICE’ – Immigration Compliance & Enforcement – team). The result is a legally unjustifiable detention on the given police station property and subsequent not legally tenable taking of the asylum seeker victim of these very irregular human rights abusive Home Office & Tribunal malpractices, caused by the Immigration Tribunal.
The very well-structured information on the ‘Right to Remain’ website is the best ‘need to know’ information resource currently online, and is essential reading for those who fear they may be deported illegally. Link: Source: this resource can also be found at
Please note that until the onset of the Hostile Environment, only those convicted of crimes or strongly suspected of being involved in criminal activity (including terrorism, or attempted terrorism) were deported. This is a further instance of the Hostile Environment being a Whitehall initiated at the highest levels, and Whitehall protected at the highest levels ‘criminalising of immigration and genuine applicants, including especially asylum-seekers,’ culture.